Illuminating Business

Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise! At Empowering Consulting Group, we do not wait for opportunities to knock on your doors, we help you create them!


Strategic Consulting

In the realm of strategic consulting, the focus lies on enhancing organizational performance through Business Model Optimization and Strategic Planning.

Transformative Consulting

Within the realm of Transformative Consulting, a multifaceted approach is employed to instigate positive change within organizations.


Meet Our Founder

Lindsey Leuschen

The founder of Empowering Consulting Group, is a highly accomplished and dedicated consultant who has helped numerous individuals and organizations achieve their goals and unlock their full potential with her Business Consulting, Leadership Consulting and Corporate Consulting. With a passion for entrepreneurship and a deep understanding of business strategies, Lindsey empowers her clients to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

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Our Mission Statement

At Empowering Consulting Group, our mission runs deep within our hearts. We are devoted business consultants that are driven by a burning desire to unleash your true potential and help you achieve extraordinary success.